Kylie Jenner Responds to Jordyn Woods / Tristan Thompson Fraud Scandal


  • A source who has just said that Kylie Jenner is "still devastated" after Tristan Thompson kissed his best friend Jordyn Woods.
  • The whole cheating scandal Jordyn / Tristan really shook the Kardashian family.
  • Kylie has also apparently been the victim of an infidelity on the part of Travis Scott, although the two are not separating.

    Kylie Jenner has suffered a lot in recent days. First, she and her family were confronted with the bomb that is the subject of the cheating scandal between Jordyn Woods and Tristan Thompson. She was also confronted a few days ago with "evidence" that Travis Scott was cheating on her.

    And although a source who just said that Kylie and Travis are not separating, it's less clear what will happen between Kylie and her best friend Jordyn / if they are going to be those who separate.

    An insider just shared with People "Kylie has had a difficult week" and "she is still devastated about Jordyn". However, Khloe became very honest about the whole situation on Twitter yesterday, and it seemed that she was less upset with Jordyn than before, so maybe the whole family shows up.

    Kylie herself did not say anything about it, so I guess we'll have to wait and see …


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