Kylie Rae Harris, Taos, northwest, and an unnamed tragedy


This story has been updated.

Whenever a songwriter sits down to write a song, he sincerely hopes that it will evoke something that will stir the human soul so as to leave an indelible mark on listeners that will last well beyond the moments of the song. audience with the song itself. Sad, happy, nostalgic or tragic, as long as it awakens a keen sense of life, the efforts of a songwriter are accomplished. Kylie Ray Harris has done this many times in her career, most recently with her song "Twenty Years From Now" written for her six-year-old daughter, Corbie. Back to the song after having assimilated the news of the unfortunate death of Kylie Rae in a car accident in Taos, New Mexico, it is nothing short of shocking that the song aspires to breathe for another twenty years to repair all its errors and prove that its crazy dream of making music was not for nothing.

This whole story unfolded as a story, and a story that, if put into song as a work of fiction, would collapse as impossible to believe. Kylie Rae's teary-eyed Instagram was recorded just hours before her death – where she tells everyone in her family that driving on the roads of Taos reminded her that all of them are dead – that's what she's saying. It's almost as if Kyle Rae Harris knew that these same roads would eventually disappear. take his life too. Kylie Rae's death is a relentless tragedy that requires no prior knowledge of her music to feel inconsolably. And now it will not only be his songs that will forever touch many country music fans and beyond, it will also be his story. Much like a great song, Kylie Rae Harris's biography will remain as a lasting reminder of the preciousness of life. His death was like his last piece of performance art.

Every death is a tragedy, especially a cut so short at thirty, so full of inspiration and motivation, brimming with life and a mother's love. But it's particularly tragic for Texas, where Kylie Rae was one of the very few performers in the female persuasion scene. Just a few weeks ago, she was performing on stage at KOKEFest, just outside of Austin, as the only female performer of two-day programming. She had just released an EP, which was to be a precursor to a proper recovery of her career with a new high-level manager behind her at Alex Torrez. Kylie Rae Harris has been traveling to Taos for years to be part of the Big Barn Dance event by 17-year-old Michael Hearn, but only as a guest participant singing with others. It was the first year that Kyle Rae was herself a lead performer. She has never succeeded in the scene.

Taos has a population of only 5,700 (there are a few more in the surrounding areas), but the hamlet of northern New Mexico has played a magical role in country music for many decades. The ancient pueblo located just north of the city, the mysterious legacy of 'Taos Hum', the archaic adobe buildings that make up some of the oldest structures in North America, Taos looks like something of an oil painting opposed to real life. Waylon Jennings recorded the song "Taos, New Mexico" in 1967, infusing the mountain town at an altitude of 7,000 feet with a sense of magic in the minds of many country music listeners. Country legend Liz Anderson saw Taos as his hometown. Willie Nelson has already released Dennis Hopper, intoxicated, from Taos prison in the 70s. Songwriters have been going to Taos for decades to not only play, but to be inspired and enjoy from the spirit of the region. Kylie Rae Harris who died in Taos feels tragically poetic – another incredible and poignant feature of the story of her life and Taos.

Another person died in Taos on September 5, 2019 in the same accident that killed Kylie Rae Harris. Maria Elena Cruz, a 16-year-old girl from San Cristóbal, has also died. She was not famous (although Kylie Rae was not until her death), but her life was just as important and valuable as Kylie Rae's or ours. Her family and friends are mourning and mourning like country fans, but there is no national community like the country that meets to commemorate its loss and fill the coffers of a GoFundMe campaign. Maria Elena's father is Pedro Cruz, deputy chief of the San Cristóbal Volunteer Fire Department, who reacted to the accident. Alcohol was cited as a factor in the accident and Kylie Rae Harris was found to be responsible, although authorities are waiting for a toxicology report to make a final decision. The roads around Taos and northern New Mexico have cost many lives due to bad weather, dangerous curves and intoxicants. And they will take more. Taos is a wild place marveled, but close to danger. This is one of the things that makes him so magical.

Kylie Rae Harris is gone. She has never received the recognition that she deserved in life as she was in her death. The death of Kylie Rae Harris reminds all of us to cherish life, to bring our dear ones closer, to covet every breath, to live for today and to follow our dreams. Because, just like a good song, the story of Kylie Rae Harris has deeply touched us in a way that we can never forget and, despite the pain of memory, we never want to do it. Because this pain is the feeling of being alive.


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