Kyrie Irving’s narcissism of the Nets and NBA anti-vaxxers is inhumane


Stop talking.

Stop talking.
Drawing: brooklyn nets

It wasn’t supposed to happen. Quite frankly, it’s mind-boggling that we’re still here. And by here I mean that moment when the start of the 75th season of the world’s most popular sports league is sabotaged by anti-vaccines – after some of those same men proved it was possible to play football. basketball safely during a global pandemic.

But that’s the thing about those who are opposed to “getting the hang of.” They believe their personal interests trump science and the betterment of mankind, while also wanting things to “get back to normal” as soon as possible. Their narcissism shines so brightly that it blinds them to the fact that it is they who support us.

When Kyrie Irving – the NBA anti-vaccine backerch – took part in Monday’s Media Day availability via Zoom, we all knew why, even though he told us it was a “private matter.” . James Harden’s teammate and Kevin Durant’s best friend could not be at the facility and will not be able to play at home this season if he does not get the shot. And as clips of what Irving had to say began to circulate on social media, it was evident that one of the vice-presidents of the NBA Players Union is not just potential harm to his team. , but for the whole league.

“This is the last thing I wanted to create, no more distractions”, said Irving.

Part of that distraction came from a recent explosive report from Rolling stone this has placed Irving at the center of a small group of league anti-vaccines that push back against the protocols and mandates that the league and the states have put in place. Despite the 99% of players who have been vaccinated in the WNBA, or looking at the efforts of the NFL anti-vaccine soldiers finally lined up, or were eliminated altogether, at least fifty to sixty NBA players have yet to receive a single dose of the vaccine, according to the report.

“There are so many other players besides him retiring, I would like to think they would make a way”, Kyrie’s aunt, Tyki Irving, told the Rolling stone. “It could be like all three games. So that still gives you a full season of interacting and being on the pitch, but with the limitations that they oppress you, of course. There can be some kind of formula where the NBA and the players can come to some kind of agreement.

As the day progressed, the anti-vaccine comments continued to be silly, but also informative – as the language they used was bravado and skipped assertively.

“I would ask the question to those who get vaccinated, ‘Why are you still getting COVID? ” Bradley Beal asked. – a man who once had the virus and missed the Olympics because of it.

“Because it’s none of your business” Andrew Wiggins told reporters.

Often times we hear players talking about the fraternity, or fraternity, that is, the NBA – an elite group of players who have reached the highest level in their sport, putting them in a position where no one do not really understand what they are going through except each one. other. This is why the actions of the anti-vaxxers are so contrary, considering what some of their “brothers” have had to endure because of COVID-19. Jayson tatum needs an inhaler. Devin Booker has lost his ability to taste and smell things. Karl-Anthony Towns lost his mother, six other family members, and 50 pounds. And Cédric Ceballos who called his time in intensive care with COVID “20 days on death row.

But, yet, Irving still expects us to believe that a vaccine that was created to save lives due to a global pandemic is somehow “private matter.”

In an age where it feels like every topic of conversation forces you to take sides, the context that comes with being in a gray area becomes stale. However, COVID vaccinations are a strictly black or white topic. You are either selfless enough to get the vaccine or too selfish to realize that it is beyond “your own beliefs and feelings.” And everything about Irving’s life and career over the past few years points to a black canvas where it should be white, white where it should be black, and gray in areas where colors don’t belong. For example, look at what he said to the New York Daily News earlier this year:

“There is a deeper level of emotions that I have to help and serve people around the world. And I’ve been doing it since I was a kid. I will continue on this path after basketball, ”he explained of his countless charitable efforts in an article wryly titled,“ Kyrie Irving Put Mankind First ”.

This is the part where the popular saying “with great power comes great responsibility,” comes into play with Irving, and why he gets the most attention. Of his acts of charity which include feeding the starving and funded WNBA players who chose not to participate in The Bubble, to buying a house for George Floyd’s family, he made himself a leader by his words and actions – which means that people will follow his example no matter where he takes them, even at the ends of a flat earth.

“If you are vaccinated, in other places you must still wear the mask. It’s like, ‘OK, so what’s the point of the mask necessarily?’ Orlando Magic forward Jonathan Isaac asked when speaking to Rolling stone. Funny enough, Isaac had no problem taking the doctors’ word for it when they operated on him after he had tore his ACL in The Bubble. “And if Kyrie says that about his executive position in the NBPA, then kudos to him.”

Kyrie is Kyrie’s greatest enemy. He has an affinity for becoming the catalyst for the hype and endless Twitter conversations due to his deliberate and silly decisions. We have become the audience of a man who fails and succeeds on a public stage and every hit – on or off the pitch – is a fascinating watch. And because of this, one thing became clear: Kyrie Irving has no idea what the hell he is doing.


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