LA County Sheriff Launches Investigation into Marilyn Manson’s Domestic Violence


Los Angeles County officials said on Friday they had launched a domestic violence investigation against goth rock icon Marilyn Manson, following allegations by former girlfriend Evan Rachel Wood.

In a brief statement, the LA County Sheriff’s Department said its Special Victims Unit will review his actions in West Hollywood, California.

“Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Special Victims Office, Investigating Allegations of Domestic Violence Involving Mr. Brian Warner, also known as ‘Marilyn Manson’, Who Works in the Music Industry” , said the sheriff’s department.

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“The incidents occurred between 2009 and 2011 when Mr. Warner was living in the city of West Hollywood.”

The small but important city of West Hollywood, which lies in the shadow of Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, turns its law enforcement to the department.

Three weeks ago, Wood, who testified before Congress about her experience of domestic and sexual violence, said she had been “horribly” abused by Manson, her ex-partner.

In an Instagram post, the ‘Westworld’ actor wrote that Manson “started grooming me as a teenager and abused me horribly for years.

“I was brainwashed and manipulated into submission. I ended up living in fear of retaliation, slander or blackmail, ”Wood wrote.

“I am here to denounce this dangerous man and call on the many industries that have enabled him, before he ruins more lives,” she added. “I stand alongside the many victims who will no longer remain silent.”

Wood, now 33, met Manson, 52, when she was a teenager in his thirties. They met intermittently in the late 2000s and in 2010 they were briefly engaged. Wood married “Billy Elliot” star Jamie Bell in 2012 and they divorced in 2014.

A representative for the musician could not be immediately reached for comment on Friday.

In an Instagram post following Wood’s allegations, Manson said: “Obviously my art and my life have long been magnets for controversy, but these recent claims about me are horrendous distortions of reality. My intimate relationships have always been entirely consensual with like-minded opinions. No matter how – and why – others now choose to distort the past, it’s the truth. “


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