Lady Gaga kills national anthem on Biden inauguration day


Lady Gaga brought a welcoming – and moving – touch of razzmatazz to Joe Biden’s presidential nomination when she performed the national anthem during his presidential swearing-in on Wednesday morning.

Wearing a fluffy red dress and navy blue jacket affixed with a large dove brooch, the pop star summoned her most compelling Broadway diva vibe as she played the famous and delicate song, playing softly with it. tempo and bending the notes in unexpected directions.

His voice? Big and crispy. His expression? Slightly sparkling. His arms? Shaking with intensity.

The singer’s accompaniment by the United States Marine Band sounded cool and jazzy – especially as she took her time delivering the lyrics about how “the flag was still there” – which made you wish you could. ‘they can play with showboating pop stars more often. (And given Gaga’s long friendship with Biden, who she campaigned for, maybe they will.)

Still, Gaga didn’t miss the gravity of the moment: at the end of the song, she turned her gaze in awe of the Stars and Stripes – the same emblem waving across the National Mall instead of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who couldn’t. He wasn’t there in person because of COVID-19 – and seemed to be clamoring the Patriots for the place where two weeks ago the insurgents staged their hideous attack on the Capitol.

Then she went to her seat and put on a mask.


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