Lady Gaga sings national anthem at Joe Biden presidential inauguration


Former Senator and two-term Vice President Joe Biden made history Wednesday, Jan.20, alongside his historic Vice President Senator Kamala Harris at their inauguration on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. And while some of the pump and usual circumstances – not to mention the usually huge crowds – have been curtailed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and security concerns during the time of the violent assault on the Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump on January 6, Lady Gaga was on hand to make sure the event felt like a real celebration.

The singer took center stage just before noon to sing the national anthem in a long flowing red floor-length skirt and black long-sleeved top accented with an oversized gold bird brooch and black leather gloves , accompanied by the President’s United States Marine Band. After greeting Biden and Harris, Gaga composed herself, grabbed a gold-colored microphone, and delivered a powerful rendition of the notoriously difficult “Star-Spangled Banner” with its typical theatrical panache, ending with her hand over her heart. and nods to Biden, Harris and former President and First Lady Barack and Michelle Obama on their way home to hear the siege.

The moving performance came a day after Gaga sent her little monsters a message of hope to usher in the new administration. “I pray that tomorrow is a day of peace for all Americans,” Gaga tweeted. “A day for love, not for hate. A day for acceptance, not for fear. A day for dreaming of our future joy as a country. A non-violent dream, a dream that ensures the safety of our souls. Love, from the Capitol. “


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