Lady Gaga walker released from hospital


Lady Gaga’s dog walker was finally released from hospital, just over a month after being shot in a cheeky robbery of the pop star’s two French Bulldogs.

Ryan Fischer posted an Instagram video of himself preparing to return home, after lung complications prolonged his hospital stay.

“Recovery is not a straight line,” Fischer wrote in a moving caption about the ordeal he faced after the brutal West Hollywood dognapping.

Although nurses initially believed he would not survive the shooting, Fischer quickly recovered and was moved from the intensive care unit after a few days.

“I was ready to quietly begin a path to healing from the emotional trauma and move on,” Fischer wrote.

But then he found out that he needed part of one of his lungs removed after it kept collapsing.

“Life would get back to normal soon enough,” he wrote. “Unfortunately, the strange hissing and glugging coming from my chest every time I breathed begged me to differ with this assessment.


Ryan Fischer in hospital before being released.



Ryan Fischer in hospital before being released.



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Gaga’s dogs, Koji and Gustav, were found unharmed after being stolen by the shooters. A third dog, Miss Asia, stayed with Fischer at the crime scene until paramedics arrived.

The pop star hailed Fischer as a hero in the aftermath of the shooting and offered half a million dollars as a reward for the dogs’ safe return.

No arrests were made in the case, and the motive remains unclear as the crooks did not demand a ransom or take Gaga’s money.


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