Lady Gaga’s dog walker reveals homeless after van breaks down as he begs for money following ‘traumatic’ shooting


LADY Gaga’s dog walker pleads for cash donations two months after starting a road trip sparked by his horror shootout – after he “blew his savings”.

Ryan Fischer collapsed in the lung after being shot in the chest by a dognapper in February while walking Gaga’s three French Bulldogs.

Lady Gaga's dog walker Ryan Fischer pleads for money


Lady Gaga’s dog walker Ryan Fischer pleads for moneyCredit: social media – Refer to source
Ryan set up a GoFundMe page after his van broke down on a road trip


Ryan set up a GoFundMe page after his van broke down on a road tripCredit: YouTube

Two of the pets were stolen while one fled and was later picked up by cops.

Ryan was released from hospital on March 29 after recovering from four gunshot wounds and then pledged to go on a six-month sabbatical to clear his head.

However, TMZ reports that the dog walker has had a hard time doing crowdfunding because “his van broke down and he needs money for travel expenses.”

After relying on benevolent donations, Ryan – who confessed to feeling “scared, lonely, and abandoned” on his fundraising page – is also asking for recommendations for “trauma retreats, as well as queer spiritual leaders and healers.” .

This is because he spoke of “long bouts of depression, self-doubt and self-pity” throughout his trip.

Ryan has now launched a GoFundMe account for fans to support him in his mission.

In the moving description of the page, he wrote: “A few days ago I said goodbye to Trudy, a nearly reliable 1991 Ford Falcon rental that rolled like a boat in high winds. With just me, Trudy, 3 stuffed animals that look like dogs I care a lot, and A LOT too many personal items, across the United States, we wobbled for two months.

“Sometimes I was scared. I was alone. I felt abandoned and helpless. I had long bouts of depression, doubt and self-pity.

“But those back roads that took me to deserted campsites and Walmart parking lots and rest areas and friends and family in New York and back started to help me understand why I had chosen to leave. the safety of the Hollywood Hills where I fought for my life and mobility.

I was sometimes afraid. I was alone. I felt abandoned and helpless. I had long bouts of depression, self-doubt and self-pity. “

Ryan fischerGo finance me

“All that time spent recovering my body, I now had to be dedicated to strengthening my emotional and mental health as well. This understanding helped me define what I needed for the rest of this gap year: getting a van and explore this country while seeking communities that support the process of growth from trauma.

“To me that includes retreat centers, trauma programs, queer healers, creatives, and spiritual leaders.

“And I look forward to honestly sharing the process and healing with you as the ride goes through original writings, discussions, and videos (and maybe an interpretive dance or two).”

He continues: “So here I am, two months away from a six-month trip. And, on this Feast of Sainte Rocque, I have a clear objective but I am at an obvious dead end.

“Without a vehicle, without an apartment, running out of savings and surviving thanks to generous donations from loved ones, I humbly ask for your help. It’s not an easy thing to ask, but I began to realize that you share your vulnerability with others. This is exactly when a drastic change begins to happen for everyone involved.

I have a clear objective, but I am at an obvious dead end. Without a vehicle, without an apartment, running out of savings and surviving donations from generous relatives, I humbly ask for your help.

Ryan fischerGo finance me

“I created this GoFundMe page to cover the purchase of a van, travel expenses, and welcome all contributions to trauma retreats across the country as well as queer spiritual leaders and healers, and the best way to highlight and share with you along the way. I love you and thank you for all the ways you have supported me throughout; I really can’t wait to see how next part of this journey will unfold for all of us. “


In late April, the two men who shot Ryan and the woman who allegedly “found” the dogs after their abduction were arrested in connection with the crime.

Ryan was shot four times in the chest as the thieves fled.

He was then classified in critical condition but improved almost immediately as Gaga and her family pleaded with the gunmen to return her dogs and said Ryan did not deserve to be shot.

The dogs were eventually brought back to a police station by a mysterious woman who said she found the two stolen French Bulldogs tied to a pole days after the attack.

However, it wasn’t until a week later that Ryan returned to the hospital with more complications.


His lung had collapsed, as he admitted in an Instagram post: “In addition to accepting the news that I was about to be readmitted, several nurses and doctors told me how they were. were in the room when I walked in with my shot.

“How they didn’t think I was going to make it.”

Once back at the facility, he said his lung had collapsed again, even with “the new chest tube stinging inside.”

After he continued to collapse over and over again, the doctors realized that “the gunshot wound had marked [his] tissue like a burn. “

He eventually had to undergo surgery to remove parts of his injured lung.


A month after Ryan was released from the hospital, police arrested five people and they were charged in connection with the nap of Gaga’s two French Bulldogs.

Three suspects, who are documented gang members – James Jackson, 18, Jaylin White, 19, and Lafayette Whaley, 27 – have been charged with attempted murder and armed robbery.

They would have pursued the Bulldogs because of their great value and did not know they belonged to the musician.

Bail for all suspects has been set at $ 1 million.

Ryan had previously spoken of his “terror” while the suspects were still at large in an exclusive conversation with The Sun.

He suffered four gunshot wounds and a punctured lung after the February horror incident


He suffered four gunshot wounds and a punctured lung after the February horror incidentCredit: YouTube
Criminals reportedly preyed on bulldogs because of their high value and didn't know they belonged to Gaga


Criminals reportedly preyed on bulldogs because of their high value and didn’t know they belonged to GagaCredit: social media – Refer to source
Poignant CCTV footage from the event shows Ryan fighting to save the dogs


Poignant CCTV footage from the event shows Ryan fighting to save the dogsCredit: BackGrid
Lady Gaga’s dog walker yells ‘help me I’m bleeding’ after being shot by dognappers in heartbreaking video


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