Lana Del Rey details the work and tracklist of “ Chemtrails Over The Country Club ”


Lana Del Rey’s next album Chemtrails across the country club has been coming up for a while now. It was originally scheduled for release in September, but has been postponed. In October, she shared a new song called “Let Me Love You Like A Woman”.

The title song is slated for release tomorrow, and before that, Del Rey shared the album’s artwork and tracklist on his Instagram account. This is the illustration above. “There is always turmoil and upheaval and in the midst of it – there is always great music too… introducing my new one
chemtrails album on the country club, ”Del Rey wrote in an Instagram post.

Here is the tracklist:

01 “White dress”
02 “Chemtrails Over The Country Club”
03 “Tulsa Jesus Freak”
04 “Let me love you like a woman”
05 “Wild at heart”
06 “Dark but just a game”
07 “All those who wander are not lost”
08 “Yosemite”
09 “Break slowly”
Ten “Dance ’til we die”
11 “Free”

And in an Instagram comment on the album cover, Del Rey posted this:

I also mean that with everything happening this year! And no, it was not planned – they are my best friends, since you ask today. And damn! Like it happens when it comes to my amazing friends and that cover yes there are some colored people in that record pic and that’s all I’m gonna say
but thanks.
My beautiful friend Valerie from Del Rio in Mexico, my very dear friend Alex and my beautiful friend Dakota Rain as well as my darling Tatiana.
these are my friends, this is my life. We are all a beautiful mix of everything – some more than others that is visible and celebrated in everything I do. In 11 years of work, I have always been extremely inclusive without even trying to do so. My best friends are rappers, my boyfriends have been rappers. My dearest friends come from all over, so before I comment again on a WOC / POC issue, I’m not the one taking the capital by storm, I’m literally changing the world by putting my life, my thoughts and my love out there on the table 24 sept. Respect it.

There is still no release date for Chemtrails on the Country Club.


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