Larry Elder and Gavin Newsom Prepare for Recall Battle in California


Elder declined to respond if he would accept the results of the recall election.

There are still two days until the California governor’s recall election, but the current governor’s team and his main opponent, Larry Elder, have each already indicated they are ready for legal challenges.

In an interview with ABC News’ Zohreen Shah on Saturday, Elder was repeatedly asked if he would accept Tuesday’s election results, but avoided responding by expressing confidence in his ability to win.

“So many people will vote to have [Newsom] reminded, I’m not worried about the fraud, ”he said.

But Elder earlier this week made unsubstantiated allegations of possible fraud at a campaign event, saying the recall could see “shenanigans” similar to what many Republicans claimed took place during the campaign. presidential election last year, despite no evidence of widespread electoral fraud.

Elder’s campaign has a section on electoral integrity on its website, where voters can fill out a form to report suspected incidents of voter fraud and sign a petition to investigate the results of the recall.

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s campaign team said it was ready for possible legal action, but would not give details of the details during a campaign shutdown on Thursday.

In the interview with Shah, Elder also deflected questions to some of the controversial statements he has made in the past, such as saying slave owners should get reparations.

“Cover what I said about the elections,” he said. “The election is taking place because people are unhappy with the way California has been governed for the past two years.”

If he were to be elected, Elder has already planned his first order of business. “The first thing I’m going to do is repeal the requirement for officials to be tested once a week and wear a mask,” he said. “I don’t think science supports this.”

These are the issues raised by COVID-19 that previously plagued Newsom’s political career and have now reinforced it in recent days. The Public Policy Institute of California reported that 60% of those polled approve of Newsom’s handling of the pandemic in a survey released earlier this month.

Recent polls on the recall election look promising for Newsom, as 56.2% of voters said they would vote to keep him, a 4% increase from last week’s poll average, according to FiveThirtyEight .

“The Democrats didn’t even take it seriously until literally, I won’t even say a few months ago, I would say six or seven weeks ago,” Newsom told ABC News. “People have started to realize this reality, we are closing this gap every day. We are going to take this thing back.”

The boost comes as President Joe Biden prepares to travel to California to campaign with Newsom on Monday in a bid to motivate voters.

But Newsom faces further controversy down the home stretch. Actress Rose McGowan recently alleged that Newsom’s wife Jennifer Siebel Newsom tried to bribe her into not presenting her sexual assault allegations against Harvey Weinstein. A spokesperson for Siebel Newsom told ABC News the allegation “is a complete fabrication”, adding: “It is disappointing but not surprising to see political opponents launch these bogus attacks just days before the election.”

McGowan will campaign with Elder on Sunday in Los Angeles.


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