Last Night Beyond Good and Bad 2 Livestream was revealed with a disappointing news


As for the games, we assumed that this would be an integral part of the E3 2019, Beyond good and bad 2 seemed to be an easy prediction. The ambitious title of space exploration had trailers at the last two Ubisoft E3 conferences, with gameplay shown since the last E3, and with the next generation of consoles on the horizon, it seemed likely that he would be ready to be in the limelight this year.

Last week, we learned that instead of appearing at E3, the game would receive its own live stream a few days before the biggest week of the game. It was a pretty serious sign that the broadcast stream was not going to become a huge news for the game, but I did not think that a broadcast stream as close to E3 would feel as devoid of real information.

After watching the full live stream, I can summarize everything we saw quickly enough. Ubisoft has many studios around the world working on this game and is about to add new collaborators to Ubisoft Paris. They have a new luxury office on which they will work. Many fans have enthusiastically tweeted about the game. Fans continue to collaborate on game elements via HitRecord. We've seen some old gameplay footage, but this time, some of these HitRecord elements were painted on walls.

Beyond that, we have seen a bunch of conceptual art tell a story about the gaming world. We have a new confirmation that the game's plot revolves mostly around cloning, the creation of the series of d & rsquo; # 39; well-known hybrid species between humans and animals, and the use of hybrids and clones as disposable slaves to perform dangerous and risky work. It seems that much of the plot concerns the rebellion and the release of these hybrids and clones of the government that uses them for risk free work and treats them as lower class citizens. This also adds to the theory that the versions of the protagonists of the original game Jade and Peyj that we saw in the promotional material of this game are probably not the same versions of the characters we know, but rather clones that share their appearance but not their lived experiences.

Apparently, the game will focus on collecting M records to get information about the world. It looks like the story of the game is divided into packages of knowledge that you must discover in the world.

Many times, the livestream development team has hinted that the best way to get a beta invitation to actually try the game is to sign up on the Space Monkey mailing list. . They gave no further information on the expected date of arrival of the beta, whose last release was scheduled for the end of 2019. They also did not give any indication of the expected date of arrival. additional information on BGEFest, their planned Beyond Good & Evil convention occurring sometime in the future.

Finally, we saw 3D models of naked new staff from the garage Mammago, and we had confirmation that there would be a lot of garages around the game.

Even as a very big fan of the original game, this livestream was really empty and lacked tangible news information. We felt that they really had to work hard to find the content that suited them, and it was overall a little disappointing. Seeing most of the conceptual years after the revelation of this game is a shame.


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