Last slide of the Salesforce-Tableau Investor: The Trailhead Team


Salesforce announced plans to buy software giant Software Software worth $ 15.3 billion on Monday morning, and has released a slide deck for investors to help them explain This agreement.

The last slide of this game, which was filed at the SEC, presents a big "Thank you" over a photo of several cartoon characters, one of which looks like Albert Einstein, in a forest:

If you do not follow Salesforce closely, you may be surprised.

The company offers an explanation for most of these characters in a blog post published in 2017. They are called the Trailhead Crew and they are meant to represent "the fun side of our society and inspire our Ohana to chart new tracks". (Ohana is a Hawaiian word meaning "family" and, in Salesforce jargon, refers to employees, customers, or other stakeholders.) Co-founder and co-CEO Marc Benioff is a big fan of Hawaiian culture and islands .)

The characters are, from left to right:

  • cloudy The goat, which is supposed to represent the people who build apps on the Cloud of Salesforce, but also a general inspiration – it "pulls the best of everyone and encourages you to exploit your unlimited potential".
  • Appy the chat, which guides the apps available on Salesforce's AppExchange.
  • Codey the bear, who represents the coders – "attack projects and dirty their paws".
  • Astro the little person is a guide to everything Salesforce.
  • Max the mule was inherited during the last major acquisition of Salesforce, the MuleSoft application integration company, which she bought for $ 6.5 billion in 2018.
  • Einstein refers to Salesforce's artificial intelligence technology, designed to help users discover information stored in the system.

They are all on a trail in the woods in reference to Trailhead, the company's platform to train users so that they can make the most of its services.

SaaSy, the dancing mascot of the company's cloud, is not included in the illustration. It focuses on cloud services rather than on locally run software in the company's data centers.

No word has yet been sent by Salesforce if Tableau will get its own mascot during the transaction.

WATCH: Salesforce will buy Tableau in stock


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