Latest News: "No sense" in the use of Taser by Michigan cops


Latest news on the trial for second degree murder of a former Michigan soldier in the death of a Detroit teenager (all local time):

1:10 p.m.

A prosecutor urges jurors to convict a former Michigan state police officer for the second degree murder of a Detroit teenager, saying he was not there. had no "common sense" to shoot with a taser on a young boy vehicle.

Damon (Da-MAHN & # 39;) Grimes crashed on the ATV and died. Mark Bessner is on trial for the second time after the end of the first trial last autumn with no unanimous verdict.

The lawsuit resumed on Tuesday after Bessner refused to tell his version of what happened in 2017 on a Detroit street. This was a major policy change: at the first trial, he had testified with emotion by telling the jurors that he was convinced that the 15-year-old had a gun. Grimes did not have any weapon.

Defense attorney Richard Convertino said that the ATV was in poor condition and that Bessner feared for his safety.



A former Michigan State Police accused of the murder of a Detroit teenager said he would not testify for his own defense.

Mark Bessner is on trial for the second time after a jury was unable to rule unanimously last fall. He testified at the first trial but told a judge on Tuesday that he would remain silent this time. This is a major shift in strategy.

Damon (Da-MAHN & # 39;) Grimes was 15 years old in 2017 when he crashed on an all-terrain vehicle and died after Bessner shot him with a Taser in a street of Detroit.

Prosecutors said the Taser was unnecessary and posed a high risk of danger. At the first trial, Bessner told the jurors that he believed Grimes was armed. The teenager had no gun.


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