Latest retaliatory tariffs in China could be a problem for Tesla


Although Tesla has a factory in Shanghai, it should not start producing cars until the end of the year 2019. Until the company really speeds up, the company will have to import vehicles. electric. For their part, BMW and Mercedes ship many SUVs in China from US factories.

The new series of tariffs also hit 5% more on US imports of crude oil and soybeans as of September 1st.

The schedule for car fares is not a coincidence. It aligns with an action planned by the United States that would apply the rates to phones, laptops, consoles and other devices the same day. China wants to show that US tariffs will not remain unanswered and hopefully will use it as a bargaining chip for the talks scheduled for September. However, in the absence of progress, tariffs could drive up technology prices sold in the United States (much of which is manufactured in China) and hurt US car sales in China.


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