& # 39; Lāči & # 39; increased the business figure last year; profit – 133,000 euros


The bread maker "Lāči" in 2017 has increased its turnover by 9.5% compared to 2016 to 8,140 million euros, according to the "customer portfolio" of Lursoft.

In turn, the profit of the company fell by 20.7%, and 133,000 euros last year after taxes.

The management report of Lāči's annual report indicates that last year's operations were successful. The decrease in profits is due to the increase in commodity prices. Last year, Lāči earned 3,517 million euros from bread production, while the confectionery business' s turnover amounted to 3,429 million euros.

"Lāči" participated in EU support projects last year, renovated buildings and infrastructure, bought new fixed badets, sought to attract new customers and acquire new ones. export markets, and adjusted selling prices.

The company employed an average of 282 people last year

SIA "Lāči" was founded in 1995 and its main business is the production of bread as well as manufacture of fresh pastries and cakes. The share capital of the company is 961,860 euros and its sole owner is Normunds Skauģis.

2016. The turnover of SIA "Lāči" was 7,433 million euros, but the after – tax profit of the company was 167,000 euros. The company employed 282 employees and paid 1,924 million euros in the state budget in Latvia.

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