42 fires continue to rage in Swedish forests – Foreign countries – News


In order to prevent the emergence of new fires, the Civil Protection and Emergency Management Authority (MSB) called on local and regional authorities to ban open fires and to ban the fires. use of grills in private vegetable gardens. Bans on bonfires should be tightened to prevent new fires, "said MSB spokeswoman.

Major fires continue to burn in the center of the country, but the situation in the north has not stopped.

In general, fires reached an area of ​​250 square kilometers

Sweden is experiencing unprecedented drought and the highest temperature of the last century.

Sweden, where such weather conditions are not frequent Since 1965, there has been practically no rain in Sweden, except for slight rainfall in mid-June.

The unusual heat experience does not occur. has not withstood forest fires, it has been supported by Italy, Germany, Norway and Denmark, also Denmark, Norway and northern Finland, and after the weather forecast, we do not expect not that it ends soon.

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