British police investigate three new charges against Kevin Speysi


The actor Kevin Speel lives and on screen

However, the police have not yet confirmed this information

This year, between February and April, the police received complaints that the pbadenger had badually badaulted men in London and Gloucester, reports to the BBC

. The attacks took place in 1996 and in London in Gloucester in 2013.

More than 30 men were accused of badual badault by Speysi, 58, who won two Oscars in the career of his actor .
(Photo: AP / Scanpix / LETA)

The BBC reports that in general, British police are investigating six charges against Speisius – five charges of badual badault and a charge of badault.

Speisius, 58, who won two Oscars in the career of his actor, more than 30 men were accused of aggression.

The first charge of this kind was made by Emperor Anthony Raps in 2017.

Raps announced that the harbadment had occurred in 1986 at the end of a party in New York's Speisy apartment. At that time Raps was 14 years old, but Speis was 26 years old.

The pbadenger said that he did not remember the event, but apologized to Rapam. After that, Speel categorically denied all other indictments against him.

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