Home-made Internet success: The journalist scares the fallen member of Song Celebration


Facebook's popularity has gained some kind of domestic video, in which LNT reporter Kristaps Tolbergs intimidates a violent song and dances live on the airwaves.

An amateur video was made at the Riga State 2nd Gymnasium, where a small part of the Song and Dance Celebrationists is housed.

The reporter slowly climbed on the morning of a boy in the morning and also said, "Hello!" He completely scared the guy who looked surprised at the presence of a reporter. Knapi laughs, the reporter also offered the youngster a coffee, but after the expression of the boy's face, it may seem that he still does not understand what's going on.

The video gained a lot of popularity among the participants, because there are well-informed people. unexpected situations.

More than 2.4 000 were separated by virtuoso videos

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