Croatia, in terms of population, is the second smallest country to reach the World Cup final, but the team has achieved such a performance not because of favorable circumstances for the development of football but rather for lack. Croatian head coach Zlatko Dalič has admitted that second place in the World Cup is a marvel that should improve things, reports Reuters.
There are only five football fields in Croatia which respect the international rules of the European Federation of Football Nations (UEFA), and the infrastructure is largely abandoned, but there are has virtually no funding at the grbadroots level. Most Croatian football clubs are rare, therefore, they are forced to sell their best players as soon as they receive a decent salary. In youth football, it is normal for Croatians to train in inappropriate places, seek money for off-road games and spend their own rented buses.
In the final of the World Cup, Croatia had only two local football players: Dinamo Dominic Livakovic of Zagreb and midfielder Philippe Bradaric, who had not been scheduled for the match.
In turn, corruption is under the control of Croatian football. Just a month ago, three senior officials were sentenced to imprisonment for fraud in the organization of player transfer. Zdravko Mamech was sentenced to six years in prison for fraud and corruption. Zdravko Mamich was sentenced to death. But in the final of the World Cup, Lukam Modrič, captain of the most famous football player in the country, was accused of false testimony.
"We have definitely registered our name in history and, given the circumstances and the infrastructure at home, we are a miracle," said Dalic.
A Croatian coach thinks it's now the perfect time to start something for the cause. "We have the character and the pride, but in all other aspects, we have to improve," he added.
It has already been said that Sunday in Moscow, the Croats lost to the French national team in the final of the World Cup.
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