The regulator is concerned about the capacity of the High Voltage Network & # 39; to invest in some infrastructure objects


The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) worries about ASs ability "Augstsprieguma tīkls" to invest in certain infrastructure objects, informed the regulator.

PUC evaluated the report prepared by the High Voltage Network on its compliance with the certification requirements, including the independence requirements in 2017. The regulator concluded that, in general, the Although the company meets certification requirements, PUC has recognized some disadvantages that make it difficult for the high-voltage grid to invest in certain infrastructure necessary for the efficient provision of the transmission network service.

"by April 1, 2019, address deficiencies and improve models of cooperation with the lessor of the badets in question.

This means that the" High Voltage Network "must conduct activities to rebadess the terms of the contract with the lessors of the fixed badets for the other badets of the transport network belonging to JSC "Latvijas elektriskie tīkli"

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the "High Voltage Network" Varis Boks explained that the shortcomings noted by PUC in the development of leased fixed badets The current solution is to lease the fixed badets of the Latvenergo AS group's transmission network to the "high voltage" network.

"The acquisition of badets of the transmission network under the "high voltage network" will give a positive impetus to the efficiency of the Latvian electricity system. "

In general, the regulator has found that the" high voltage network "resp the obligations laid down by the law on the electricity market and the regulatory provisions of the European Union, it had the necessary resources to ensure compliance with the obligations. the report prepared by the owner of the electrical system – "Latvijas elektriskie tīkli" on its compliance with the requirements of the law of the electricity market and the regulations of the regulator. The PSCC Council decided that the measures taken by the Latvian electricity networks for independence in 2017 were sufficient

The "high voltage network" must submit an annual report to the PUC regarding its compliance with the certification requirements, including the requirements of independence. In turn, Lettvian Electric Networks is required to report annually on its ability to comply with obligations under the Electricity Market Act. "High Voltage Network" as the sole independent operator of electricity transmission network in Latvia was certified in 2013.

"Augstsprieguma tīkls" is a wholly owned joint stock company by the State in the person of the Ministry of Finance. "High Voltage Network" means an independent operator of electricity transmission network in Latvia that operates the electricity transmission and power network of Latvia, provides transport services based on published tariffs, operates the transport network and ensures stable and safe transmission. transmission system

The share capital "High Voltage Network" is 5,744,342 euros. In 2017, the company achieved a turnover of 158.86 million euros and a profit of 309,244 euros.

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