The RIXC Art & Science Festival gets closer / Article / LSM.LV


The RIXC Arts and Science Festival will be held this year in Riga from 13 to 15 September; The main place is the National Library of Latvia.

On the occasion of the centennial of the Latvian state, an international conference "Global Control" will take place within the festival, centered on observation, privacy and control at the same time. 39, era of social media and immersive technologies. The event will bring together about sixty participants – artists, researchers, scientists, technological innovators, theorists and activists from 25 European countries and other countries of the world.

The exhibition "Global Control and Censorship" will be held as part of the festival. The exhibition will feature 33 internationally recognized artists and new artists from more than 13 countries, including Latvia. This year's exhibition is organized in cooperation with conservators from Germany, the Goethe-Institute of Riga and the ZKM Media Arts Center of Karlsruhe, Germany

13.09, Program of opening of LNB

Bruce Sterling, USA) and Bernhard Serexhe (Germany))

19.00 Opening of the festival and the exhibition

14.09.-15.09. LNB Conference Center

Conference "Global Control"

Recording and Program

13-21 September 13, 10, LNB Exhibition Hall

Exhibition "Control Global and censorship "

15.09 – no pl 18:00, Final Program

Sound installations of young artists MPLab (LV) and MIT (USA) outdoors at moorings and audiovisual performances at the Center of Architecture and of Media RISEBA H206. More information on the festival website

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