Tajikistan's car rides tourists; suspicion of terrorism / Article / LSM.LV


In the southern part of the Tajik capital, Dushanbe, on Sunday, July 29, a driver caught four foreign tourists dead from their wounds. Immediately afterwards, tourists were attacked by knives, referring to local media, reports the BBC.

Among the dead are American, Swiss, Dutch and French tourists. The wounded are Swiss, Dutch and French nationals, reports the Reuters news agency.

"We consider all possible causes of the causes.We admit that it could be an accident, a robbery or a terrorist attack", said Tajik Foreign Minister Ramazon Rakimzoda

who discovered that the police had arrested the suspect and killed an opponent. Three potential authors, including the owner of the car, are still free.

One of the dead was a 21-year-old car owner, Jafaridin Jusofov. Cyclists drove along the road linking the tourist's favorite Pamir road. It is famous for its spectacular mountain scenery, reports the AFP news agency.

The number of tourists to Tajikistan has increased considerably in the last semester. Two years ago, the country introduced a visa facilitation system, facilitating the travel of travelers to 80 countries.

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