Two infants who did not receive mandatory prophylaxis died; doctors are alarming


According to the doctors, two children who had not received modern care during the past month and a half had been informed at the University Clinical Hospital for Children (BCU), "the medical care provided to all in the 21st century, "he told the hospital. The two children failed to save the rescuer.

Both children were infants aged one month and three months. One of them was suffering from a long cough and died from serious complications because he was not vaccinated. The second child did not receive a mandatory dose of vitamin K after delivery, which resulted in bleeding disorders and blood circulation in the brain, causing the death of the child, in a public letter to the public indicated by the specialists of BKUS.

The BCC also refers to the statistics of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control. It shows that 15 children died and are available in eight years right here:

Year 2010 tuberculosis 2 dead children 11 months, 3 years
Year 2011 influenza 5 dead children

8 months, 13 months

5 years, 7 years


steam cough

Infection with Haemophilus influenzae type b

1 dead child

1 dead child

1 month

4 months

Year 2013

steam cough


1 dead child

1 dead child

9 months

1 month

2014 Hepatitis B 1 dead child 17 years


(January – November 15)

steam cough


1 dead child

2 dead children

14 months

1 year, 6 years

Hospital doctors point out that the introduction of vaccines and vitamin K is an extremely important preventative measure whose main objective is to reduce infant mortality. These activities are carried out according to a specific schedule, the exact observation of which is essential to protect children at critical stages of development, when the risk is highest. Disease prevention is a children's right, which parents and health professionals share in respect.

"Someone will say that they have killed 15 children in eight years, but they are 15 years old, in principle, the deaths of healthy people who could live in. Even a death is a tragedy." we live in a mythical world, thinking that it will not affect us, but where such perseverance can imagine what was the family plan, how did the child wait, how loloja, what was the future imaginable, but no elementary thing that is well known, proven and safe, "said Dace at the portal" Delfi "of the Zavadsk Children's Vaccination Center

Specialists in the letter would like to draw the attention of family physicians and obstetricians to the accurate and timely provision of preventive measures.

Both cases would not have occurred if health professionals and parents caring for the child consider modern, evidence-based medical information and practices. and proven, according to experts.

"In Latvia, we can be grateful to be able to implement world-clbad medical results and we can be grateful to our country and its professionals for providing us with the best possible way to protect our family members, especially children, the risk of contracting an illness, how many children still have to lose their health or even their lives so that we can believe in the effectiveness of vaccination and the consequences of erroneous decisions? "- it says in a letter.

The Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Child states: "Every child has an inalienable right to the protection of life and to development.He has the right to free health care provided by the program of the l & # 39; State." Doctors emphasize that some diseases can not be cured, but in the 21st century, they have the potential not only to cure, but also to prevent the risk of their being affected and, by refusing vaccination, away from safe, tested and effective methods. curative guidelines, adults and professionals threaten the life of the child and the child's right to a healthy life.

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