The Ministry of Economy (ME), in cooperation with experts working in the field of construction, plans to present a quality index for this area. This will help in the future to measure the quality of service in the construction sector. Understanding the weakest sectors of the industry will, however, be able to make significant improvements to the building regulations.
In short:
- EM concludes: The quality of the construction and the way of measuring it are not clear.
- EM announces the acquisition of a methodology for measuring the quality of construction.
- The sector is positively evaluated by a study commissioned by the ministry.
A year ago, Latvia's construction development strategy aimed to improve the quality of services provided by the industry. The Ministry of Economy, together with the sector, has concluded that it is so vast that it is difficult to know what exactly is the quality of construction and how to measure it.
Ilze Beinar, deputy director of the policy department of the Ministry of Construction, explained that "just talking about the quality of construction does not mean much, it is the average temperature in a hospital".
As a result, the ministry has announced a contract for which winners must develop and test the methodology to understand how to measure the quality of construction services.
The study will be important to the department because it understands the evolution of satisfaction with this service and the industry.
"The industry itself is important to understand its satisfaction, say the designer vis-à-vis the builder and vice versa.On or the contracting authority with the builder – how satisfied is it with this service? Is so important, "said Beinare.
Understanding which of the steps is weakest will look for ways to strengthen it. Construction experts will also participate in the study and their task will be to propose solutions.
Ministry-commissioned research is being positively evaluated by the sector as it is intended to examine not only the work of the builders, but also to evaluate the construction panels and other elements involved in the design. construction process.
Baiba Fromane, Head of the Latvian Partnership for Building Contractors, spoke of a number of points in terms of improving the quality of the sector. For example, reducing the underground economy of construction, as well as the lowest price changes of the requirements for public procurement.
Four years ago, the construction public works control office was created to oversee the sector. Svetlana Myaskina, director, said that 4367 public buildings were inspected this year. 40% of cases detected violations.
"Investigations have revealed that violations are most often badociated with deviations from mechanical strength and stability, and unfortunately, we also find an arbitrary construction.We found an arbitrary construction in 580 cases," he said. Mjakushkina.
In terms of trends, supervisors are stupid.
"I can not talk about positive trends in the supervision of public buildings," said the office manager.
At the end of November, the investigation of the Ministry of Economy carried out by the SIA "Jaunrades laboratorija" will be ready. This will be the new roadmap to improve the quality of the construction industry.
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