The finance minister turned out heavy – in Latvia


The Financial Markets and Markets Committee (FCMC) and other institutions have refuted Finance Minister Dan Reizniece-Ozols' badertion that the holder of the bank's communications network, SWIFT, had long impeded the execution of payment orders transmitted by the Latvian commercial banks to verify the legality of transactions.

On 27 November, the Minister of Finance addressed the newly-created Saeima Budget Commission. There was enough media in the event, so there is no doubt that it was not the journalists who listened, but the minister turned. According to her independent spokeswoman, Arno Pjatkin, the minister mentioned the partners of the Latvian commercial banks – foreign commercial banks, which, like the Latvian commercial banks, are customers of SWIFT (the global telecommunications company) but only of SWIFT .

It is also true that the implementation of international payments by Latvian entrepreneurs and executed by Latvian commercial banks is sometimes delayed by several days which do not correspond to the practice of interbank settlement well established to date and is therefore well known.

Reizniece-Ozolas' comments circulate in the media: "Our businessmen are seeing the consequences of what is happening in the financial sector." The transfers abroad, who were used earlier in the day, in a few hours, sometimes require more than a week.Why because all international banks use one of the payment systems, such as SWIFT.And SWIFT is currently a high risk country in Latvia.S & ## 39, there is a higher amount or a more unusual transaction for one of our companies, SWIFT will carry out an additional check.This takes time and costs business to companies. "In the last two cases, the word "customers" in the corresponding folds should be inserted after the word SWIFT in order to bring the text in line with A. Pjatkina's explanation.

An overview of the LETA's Budget Committee meeting indicated that FCMC President Peters Putnins also attended the meeting, but did not immediately rectify the remarks of D. Reiznieša Ozola. The FCMC became apparent when the magnitude of D. Reizniece Ozola's crackdown began to emerge. The previous time, when the SWIFT tag was sounding outside the banking system, it had been said that locking SWIFT could be a punishment for Russia for aggression in Ukraine. According to D. Reizniece-Ozola, it was said to the letter that such a sanction had already been applied to Latvia. Did this really happen? No, it has not happened. In a statement published on November 28 by the FKK under the title "Exchange of information between Latvian banks" in the SWIFT network, here is the usual way of quoting Mr. Putniņa's letter to the minister and to the people who make it. would have thought: "It is important to understand before making a public statement, which is SWIFT.This is an organization that provides banks with the exchange of messages for their communication networks.This process takes place in seconds – the SWIFT system sends payment messages to the receiving bank immediately on the SWIFT network SWIFT has never performed AML (Anti Money Laundering) checks or bank filtering in place of banking services and has not holds no payment SWIFT allows banks to exchange orders related to various types of financial transactions, including interbank and bank payment messages, in a secure and standardized manner. The authorities responsible for monitoring our sector confirmed today that this exchange of information, both inland and internationally, was proceeding smoothly and smoothly. ordered. "

Kristīne Mennika, head of communication of the Association of Latvian Financial Sector Associations (until recently, the Association of Commercial Banks), confirmed to the Independent that the badociation badociated with FCMC announcement "on behalf of its name".

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