Harden denies disagreement with Paul: It's nonsense – he was a great leader (VIDEO)


Chris Paul, James Harden, sportsgames.com
Photo: Eric Christian Smith

James Barden, a superstar of the National Basketball Association (NBA), denied having a clash with former Houston Rockets basketball player Chris Paul.

It has already been reported that Paul, 34, had been replaced by the Oklahoma City Thunder, while the Rockets were facing the most valuable player of the old league, Russell Westbrook, 30.

A little earlier, it was reported that the Rockets had a toxic atmosphere and disagreements between the two leaders, Harden and Paul, who would have been unable to separate.

"These are nonsense. While Chris was in Houston, he showed that he was an excellent leader, "said Harden. "The teammates are still on the discussion board, but I can not say a bad word about it. Negative information in the media is not true. "

James Harden says that there is nothing negative between him and Chris Paul: "It was a lot of fake speech."

(via @ChronBrianSmith) pic.twitter.com/gwHiJXBmQR

– Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) July 20, 2019

Harden also commented on Westbrook's arrival in the team. It should be noted that the two basketball players played together for a short time early in their career with the Thunder. "I'm excited and know that Westbrook is happy too. He was in Oklahoma City for 11 years, but a new stage in Russell's career began. Let's meet him with open arms and know that everything will be fine. "

Harden also thinks that Westbrook should not change his game to improve the performance of the Rockets. Both basketball players are known for their willingness to hold the ball a lot and handle the game.

"If you have skills like Westbrook, everything works autonomously," said Harden. "When a team has talent, players with high IQ and a willingness to sacrifice for the team, things always work on their own."

Westbrook has not only represented the Thunder team over the course of his career. In their first round of the 2008 NBA Draft, they were selected by the Seattle Supersonics in fourth place. Over the course of his career, the linebacker has accumulated an average of 23 points per game in 821 games, as well as 8.4 badists and 7.0 rebounds.

Meanwhile, Harden was selected third in the 2009 draft. He represented the Thunder team from 2009 to 2012, but then moved to the Rockets, where he still plays. Hardner averaged 24.3 points in 765 career games, racking up 5.2 rebounds and 6.2 badists.

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