About half a million viewers / day visited the events of song and dance


On the other hand, about 514 117 people from Latvia, Britain, the United States, Germany and other countries celebrated the Internet. During the current week, more than 40 public places in Latvia and elsewhere in the world were presented.

A record number of participants – 43,219 participants, including 2,411 foreign Latvians and more than 1,350 volunteers, were registered this year. The song festival was particularly active for the people involved, with 214,982 not taken during the week by the coordinator of the public viewing, while 206 kilometers a week were offered by the organizers. According to the statistics collected, the dancers have completed the most steps by walking and browsing 35,620 steps.

Speaking of this year's innovations in the organization of the Song Festival, Vadenjeviča pointed out that the electronic registration of participants made it possible to precisely determine the number of participants. has also facilitated food planning and feeding. In addition, with this identity card, participants transported public transport free of charge. According to her, the system worked as expected, promoting the movement and organization of participants in the places.

As it was reported, the last night of the final concert of the XXVI General Latvian Song and XVI Famous Dance on the Great Scene of Mezaparks The event was attended by 67 253 people, making it the most famous Celebrations of the song, said the famous executive director Juhniewicz

About 16,500 people participated in the closing concert of the Feast of Song and Dance. Many of them, as well as the public, stayed at the ceremony until the morning light.

The XXVI General Latvian Song and XVI Dance Celebration took place from June 30 to July 8 and more than 42,000 participants took part. This time, the celebration took place on the occasion of the centenary of the Latvian state. Minister of Culture Dace Melbard (VL-TB / LNNK) has named the celebration celebrated as one of the best traditions in the history of song and dance celebration

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