On Friday, an extraordinary meeting was held at the Kekava County Council to review and accept the decision to open a competition for a vacant Regional Executive and to seek the approval of the selected candidates at the City Council meeting. Since November 2006, Andris Volanskis, the chairman of the city council, has been appointed solely by the chairman of the city council. In the opinion of the opposition, recently, the facts of Mr. Volansky 's incompetence have also been highlighted. In order to better understand the situation, we wanted to know the arguments before the extraordinary meeting of the mayor's next council
More information – The Kekava District Council is unique in that 17 seats are divided among 9 parties political and party badociations as well as four non-partisan members, Viktoria Bairi, head of the municipality, including (emerging from the new conservative party). The risk of political fragmentation in real life work needs to be respected and guidelines or other mechanisms need to be developed in order to avoid the harmonization of different interests completely undermines the work of the site. In Kekava, the identification of fragmentation risks is not even imagined and, unfortunately, the consequences of such a situation can be clearly perceived for the moment. The prestigious carousel around the executive director's office is a striking example.
Predictions before an Extraordinary Meeting
"Rīgas Apriņķa Avīze" first calls Victoria Baire City Council Chairman. It is clear that the head of the municipality does not have to intervene in the peace camp and direct the runners at the first second of the phone. The courtesy secretary's response that the chair is in committee meeting is understandable. It's even more intrusive than it calls the phone number and promises that Ms. Baires will kindly call you back. Unfortunately, the wings dried up and fell before the scheduled emergency meeting. He also does not call anyone. Not nice and not bad.
Non-partisan MP Dzintra Medne does not consider it necessary to organize such an extraordinary meeting. In addition, in September, a competition for the position of Executive Director will take place. Here is just such a participation rate. About possible cases of misconduct or incompetence Mr. Volansky? – Well, it's better to ask him himself …
Former Kekava District Chief Andis Damlics ("The Regional Alliance") does not hide that he was preparing a draft decision for an extraordinary meeting. Mr. Volansky is described as a tumultuous and dishonest violation of procurement rules and the supervision of corporate work. The RAA discovers first that there will be a competition for a CEO position in September.
Certainly for! – Gatis Līcis ("The honorable to serve our Latvia") calls the deputy to stop the issue halfway. It can not be that the senior executive has been acting for a long time, who does not really respond to his work and does not even come to meetings. At least the last four had not been. Mr. Blair says that there is no consensus on the issue in the controversial coalition and convincing people will be convinced. He also did not hear about the Executive Director's research in September
Delegate Neil Kalnins (from the JKP list, but withdrew from the JKP) sees no controversy in the fact that the "gasmen" of Volansky are seen by very different political forces. Yes, with Mr. Damlic, they disagree on an issue, but in this case there are similarities. The large number of participants in the special session only indicated that the question became really relevant to any pragmatic thinker.
Interestingly, why the "harbadment" of Zini Shaikan, the harmonious members of Parliament, was unofficially designated as the main speech of the man. – He goes to the Saeima, why not help someone to collect positive points? – said one of the opposition members, who wants to remain anonymous. Another colleague who was not even known – Šaicāns was simply free and could write one …
The leadership style of the Kekava District Council Chair, Victoria Baires, was very specific, similar to the programmed shorthand
. Local Political Combiners
Will there be enough votes on the immediate organization of the Executive Director's competition? Anonymous sources of opposition call several members of the coalition Žilko Council, Jerus, Varik, who, fully understanding the issue, could decide to support the opposition. Once again, wait for the end of the meeting and vote.
And after about four hours of reasoning (see also other questions), an emergency meeting is over. In short, the Council decided to appoint an Executive Director for the post of Executive Director of the Municipality of Kekava, with clear and understandable conditions for the tasks to be performed in the new central administration of the Kekava District Municipality. the rules. On the draft decision concerning the organization of the competition for the vacancy "Executive Director of the District Municipality of Kekava" was voted 9, against – 0 abstentions – 5 deputies. The reserve was immediately necessary – it was not a draft decision submitted by the opposition (it was rejected), but a very similar coalition project, only considerably longer competition terms. .. as he says, Ragainais will break his neck. In politics, such a maneuver is nothing new – it goes through the opposition by submitting a substantially similar proposal, which is also prompted by volatile people to put an end to this circus. Tactics have few benefits. In turn, the gap between different minds only increases. Opposition spokesman, Andis Damlicz, immediately after the meeting: "This result shows that coalition members can not politically accept to support the interim executive director, which is the personal goal President's undisputed, I suppose, the time until the "internal bargain" reaches the goal. "
The aftertaste of Great Deer
All in all case, watching the audience course in video broadcast gives a sad impression. Discussions on the understanding of words and individual concepts. Indices that almonds are exploited by the mouth, not … mmm somehow different. Calls to name the misfortunes in the county, and the immediate rejection of any example – this is not a misfortune! Delicious questions to the board chair, where she understands what it is. It's not exactly that everyone is talking at the same time, but it's sure the opponents do not hear it absolutely. It is unlikely that the reader will have a long and sad discussion about the carousel, a controversy and clues about the ability of the opponent 's mind. It is difficult to understand how, in such an atmosphere, we can develop a balanced and constructive work with even simpler questions.
The "culprit" – Andris Volanskis, executive director of the district, after being summoned, considers the decision taken as adequate. The competition is necessary. Do you want to start yourself – taking into account this thought, but have not yet made the final decision. Mr Volansk, for lying, names allegations that he did not attend the meetings of the city council. Yes, there were not two, but there were clear and unequivocal justifications. When asked if this decision can still be considered a conditional victory of the opposition, Mr. Volanska is responsible (it is the opponents – red ) who were the first to succeed. The contest would have already been prepared.
The decision to hold a competition for the position of executive director of a municipality is a serious and very short step towards constructivism. Sometimes, as a result of an extraordinary meeting, the impression was that the opponent was saying "black" only because the other side was saying "white". I do not even see The work of the Kekava Regional Council is currently very heavy and extremely demotivating. What should be the first step for at least one kind of constructivist orientation? It makes sense that this "someone" is the head of the city council. Of course, anticipate the proper actions of those who think otherwise.
Andis Damlicz, longtime head of the Kekava County Council, often suggests that he knows and understands only how the municipality should be governed by the local government. . There was no odor in the experience of constructivism.
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