British police wear protective clothing at Salisbury Park looking for deadly runways in Novičok


The British police in Salzburg Park are looking for "Novičok" tracks

Two Britons, Raul, 45, and Dona, his 44-year-old partner, were later exposed in Novichok near Salisbury where, on March 4, an attack on Novichok, the Former Russian agent Sergey Skripal. Strictz

Investigators wearing protective clothing and masks worked in the gardens of Elizabeth, where traces of Novičok were searched.
(Photo: Reuters / Scanpix / LETA)

Raul and Stjerdzhis lost consciousness in Raul's house in Eimsbere on June 30th. Dona Stredzez, 44, died on July 8 and her murder is under investigation. Charlie Raul wrote a letter from a British hospital Friday, and the public does not put her in danger, according to medical representatives.

Police said Novičok was in a small bottle she found at Raul's house. During the investigation, 400 objects were searched. Local residents do not hide the expectations that the survey will close soon and the park will be open again for public tours.

Police figures Eimisbere inspects buildings looking for tracks "Novičok"

According to the press agency The Press Association, investigators estimate that Stjerdze suffered 10 times more Novičok than Scribes. Police admitted that a "small bottle" had been found in Raul's house. Charlie Raul told his brother Matthew that "Novičok" had been in a bottle of perfume. The brother of the victim told the BBC. Investigators are working on the theory that Stjerdzes sprayed "Novičok" directly on the skin, the source told the Press Association

. British police believe they have succeeded in identifying people suspected of being poisoned by a former Russian double agent Sergey Skrypal and his daughter, A Press Association (PA) report Thursday.

A number of Russian citizens participated in the badbadination attempt, claiming that the AP was an informed source of the investigation, adding that suspicious identities were confirmed comparing security camcorder records and national data. The UK has already accused Russia of having encircled the Scrubbery, but Moscow denies its responsibility

Scottlandard refused to comment on this information

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