Classical fans were exchanged in Latvian shops


Latvian chain stores are not yet ready for this year. These days, they've bought the latest clbadic fans, and buyers can not find them on store shelves anymore.

The clbadic fans of the Cenu klubs channel were available on Saturday, but it was also the last day they were seen there. There is no news and when they will be available. "In the near future, maybe it will not be, we do not know anything about orders," LNT told the seller.

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Also in the chain of stores "Depo" the program has recognized that fans are no longer available and will not be available for a while on store shelves. "No one will give you such information, [kad ventilatori būs pieejami] will not be able to say it's definitely bought, but it's hard to say when it comes," said the salesman. If fans are ordered, they may have to wait weeks.

Photo: vacationers in Jurmala

In the "Maxima" chain of stores, almost every store bought a record in time. The last shelf of the stores disappeared Sunday, but in addition to them this year it is not planned to buy. "Unfortunately, in most of our stores, fans are missing." Since seasonal products are scheduled for the summer in a timely manner, even six to eight months before the start of the season, it's hard to predict how long the summer will be so hot, so it's no longer really worthwhile to order products without knowing if we can expect this product to be exhausted, "said According to Maxima, when ordering fans, for example, in China or in other Eastern countries, their arrival in Latvia requires at least a month. can be bought in Europe, but also because of their high heat, they have become a shortage of goods.

The fan is not actually in the chain of stores Rimi, K Senukai, Elkor. line offers you to make sure that the delivery of the air coolers has Monday is announced as soon as possible on August 9th. LNT We are aware that there is no 100% guarantee on internet stores that fans will really be on the promised date.

Similar situation: all fans were bought in Latvia, the Latvian trade sector in 2010, when the country was hit The long-term heat

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, 95,320 table fans, wall, floor, ceiling, roof or window, with a maximum power of 125 watts, were imported to Latvia within five months. Most or 64,255 fans were imported from Poland, 23,474 imported from Spain and 6,151 from Lithuania

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