Decrease in "fast credit" scams with foreign personal data


Riga, July 29, LETA. Recently, the number of fraud cases involving non-bank loans has been reduced, told LETA Gints Āboltiņš, director of the Latvian Alternative Financial Services Association

: "If we look at the non-bank lending sector, These cases of fraud are no longer distributed, the total number of customers and the number of transactions are only isolated cases, while sectoral companies have made significant investments to significantly reduce the risk of fraud. A few years ago, attempts at fraudulent transactions by major market players were in the order of 100 per month.The number of attempts has fallen to about eight cases per month, "said Aboltine.

He pointed out that the signs that identify fraudulent transactions are very diverse, such as the speed at which potential customers enter your personal code or do not make mistakes in it. writing. It also looks at what is the mobile operator, whether it is a prepaid card or a standalone connection. Aboltnch pointed out that non-bank lenders have accumulated many statistics about the email addresses used by fraudsters to check if they really exist. The IP address used by the customer when filling out the application form is also badyzed.

"A wide range of features allows you to identify cases where additional tests are needed to avoid a fraudulent transaction. Industry-specific companies are already working and predicting that the customer's voice will also be introduced in the next few years. The Association of Alternative Financial Services of Latvia has already set up a number of education campaigns for people, urging people to pay more attention to the security of personal data, "he said. explained Āboltiņš.

Publicly available anonymized court judgments suggest that the most frequent cases of such fraud were common between 2013 and 2015. In most cases, all fraudsters were operating under a similar system – they had access to third-party Internet banking and personal data fraudulently. This information was sufficient to allow fraudsters to apply for non-bank loans to multiple service providers. In cases where a loan has been granted, the borrower has seized money and used it for his own purposes.

In one of the cases, the fraudsters in custody sent an advertisement for a loan of 500 euros. The fraudster was introduced as a lending agent and offered to issue this loan, but the victim had to open a new account at the bank and allow the fraudster to have access to it. This need has been explained by the fact that the victim's credit history is examined in this way. When the information on a person's bank account was obtained, the fraudster gave it to his freelancer. This contributor, using the Internet, solicited a number of non-bank loans, thus scolding the victim.

In this case, given that the offender was already detained, he was sentenced to one year in prison, but most often to a suspended sentence of imprisonment. or forced labor is attested by judgments.

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