Despite the lack of employees, the state roads of Latvia hope to complete all repairs / Article / LSM.LV


During this season, Latvia's national roads have experienced a shortage of human resources, but construction works are planned as planned and, if there is no heavy rains in autumn, all the work can be completed at the scheduled time. Chairman of the Board Janis Lange.

Warm weather does not interfere significantly with work, the construction industry has difficult working conditions and must adapt to the work that can not be done if the temperature exceeds 25 degrees in the morning and evening. pointed out that builders are ready for such circumstances, but this construction season differs from the previous by the fact that there is a pronounced human deficit.

For example, in a number of LVC tenders for construction supervision, no candidates were registered and new contests had to be announced.

Lang admits to being influenced by novelty: the electronic monitoring system. Lange also acknowledged that a large number of sites, more than 150, could have been affected by the lack of supervision of the construction.

Lange The LTV Morning Panorama also indicated that in some cases the competitions were advertised several times. provided that. Repair contractors experienced an average price increase of 7%

In the case of smaller bids, the only bidders proposed to work even 60% more than expected, [19659007]. Objects may feel the shortage of human resources, and probably, in which stages work fewer people than they could, but builders must fall on schedule, if builders can not, LVC will apply penalties.

LVC will also announce purchases later in August, baduming that the work already completed will be completed and that construction resources will be released, Lange said.

But in general, LVC hopes that all work will be completed on time, unless there is very heavy and prolonged rainfall, said Mr. Lange.

Major repairs this year take place on Augšlīgatne-Skriveri regional road 23 kilometers. It was planned to invest more money in local roads than in other years, especially in the district of Bauska, where loose gravel roads provoked public protests last year [19659011]. Instead, the Ministry of Transportation has submitted to the government reports on the state of the road network as a whole and other ways to finance the roads, but the Cabinet of Ministers has not examined these documents. As a result, the ministry is planning routes to request additional funding for budget discussions, but there are no major expectations in this regard. The Latvian state chief Roads Lange believes that the only solution is to move drivers' taxes on the roads

In order not to deteriorate the state of the national roads, 800 repair jobs would be needed each year . Millions of euros, but 307 million are available for road repairs this year, of which 183 million are public, while the rest is a European Union funding that will be available next year.

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