Eight black rhinos died during a transhipment in Kenya / Article / LSM.LV


Eight black rhinos died in Kenya on the way to the nature reserve, reports AFP. Animals of this species are endangered – there are fewer than 5,500 black rhinos in the world, including 750 in Kenya.

Rescuers have stopped moving other rhizomes and are still trying to find out why the animals did not survive the road. In general, there are 14 rhizomes in the reserve.

When endangered animals are transported, they receive sedation. This involves risks, but so many animals have never lost at the same time. The number of dead rhinos is so high that it doubles the number of dead animals over the past ten years. Between 2005 and 2017, 149 rhizomes were moved, eight of which died

The Kenya Ministry of Tourism said that the cause of animal deaths could be "salt poisoning" occurring in the new place of residence. . The results of the investigation are expected next week. The government is prepared to punish people if black rhinos die because of their negligence.

In May, the poisoners killed three black rhinos because of the precious animal horns. In turn, the last Northern White Rhino died in March.

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