Electricity prices continue to rise in the Baltic region – Industries – Financenet


During the last week in Latvia and Lithuania, the average weekly price of electricity increased by 2.9%, reaching 56.08 euros per megawatt hour (MWh), while prices in Estonia increased by 2.3% to 55.37 euros / MWh. The price of the Nord Pool system rose by 1% to 53.01 euros per MWh

Latvenergo experts explained that the price increase in the Baltic countries corresponds to the Nord Pool price trend, which is still influenced by conditions hot and dry weather.

Compared with the previous week, North Pool's consumption reached 6,196 GWh, while the development reached 5920 GWh

In the Baltic countries, compared to the previous

Electricity in the Baltic States was 480.9 GWh, up 2.3% from the previous week. In all the Baltic states, the amount of electricity consumed has increased. In Latvia, it was the highest – 4.3% at 131.6 GWh. In Estonia and Lithuania, consumption increases respectively from 3.1% and 0.6% in Estonia to 127.3 GWh and in Lithuania to 221.9 GWh

The total volume of electricity developed in the Member States Baltics, compared with the previous week, rose by 3, 4% to 310 GWh. In Latvia, the largest increase was observed in development – by 29.4%, reaching 93.5 GWh, while Estonia and Lithuania saw production decrease – from 1.6% to 177, 3 GWh in Estonia, and in Lithuania – 17.3% to Latvia's production volume in relation to consumption was 71%, in Estonia 139%, in Lithuania 18%, but in the Baltic countries the total production was 64% compared to the amount of electricity consumed last week.

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