FIFA will not give exclamation slogans to the Croatian Goalkeeper Midfielder of Ukraine after the victory against Russia / Diena


The LETA agency has already announced that the selection of the Croatian football team Saturday in the quarterfinals of the Sochi World Cup after an 11-meter penalty beat the Russian organizer of the tournament after a break of 20 years

. the team has one more goal.

Vida, who played with the former Croatian football player team player Ognen Vukojevich, released a few seconds of video that Vida congratulated Ukraine, but Vukoyevich said that the match was a success for Croatia,

The two players previously represented the Dynamo team.

FIFA watched the video posted and was initially worried about Vidas' future participation in the tournament, as the organization was ready to give it even a match. disqualification However, such a gesture has not been followed and the FIFA player has just made a warning.

Meanwhile, Vida said that she did not expect the media to interpret the video as follows. "It was certainly not a political slogan, but thanks to Ukraine, where we spent several years in our career with Vukoyevich."

Croatia finished in the semi-finals of the World Cup after 20 years of fighting the British state. Meanwhile, France and Belgium will play matches in the second semifinal duel.

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