Five precious tips on how to take care of your car every day – Man and Car – Auto


"The car is the same as for shoes, clothes or anything else we use every day. If we do not do it and we are naked, it wears out quickly and can no longer be invoked. In the campaign "We are for a safe car!", The head of the Inspection of vehicles and certification of the CSDD Jānis Liepiņš is invited to remain in suspense.

Ilze, head of ERGO vehicle revenue department The wind said that the steady maintenance of the technical condition of the car will ensure not only a longer service life, but also more safety on the road because often the driver or the driver of the accidental aircraft may cause an accident. critical element at the time of deception. The most unpleasant is that these unconscious drivers risk not only themselves but also other road users, creating an emergency situation when the technical condition of the vehicle does not allow it to be restrained. and avoid collisions. "

ERGO also recalls poor quality and inadequate technical condition, the offender may have to pay for all losses suffered by other road users, even in the absence of OCTA policy

The lighthouses must be at the same height. to make sure the car lights are lined up and do not ignore the riders? Drive to the wall where a horizontal line is visible (for example, a brick or a wooden wall). Turn on the lights and see if they are in the same line. It is best to do it at dusk or twenty-four hours in the dark. Also ensure that the car's lights are clear and operated so that other traffic users do not have to indicate what maneuvers they intend to do.

Do not let your car drown

Under the car, there is no oil, fuel or other liquid thatch. If you have a car fluid, you need to know where and why the leak occurred, instead of trying to stop it. For example, the oil of droplets not only pollutes the environment, but also compromises the safety of the car and other road users, especially motorcyclists, whose maneuvering at the point of oil can even prove fatal. Special care must be taken on the wheels with rubber protectors for lubricants. The grease beneath them can slip and cause danger when the sealant hits the brake discs or drums, resulting in a car no longer stinging.

Rust is like a virus – look at your "immune" car

is the same as a virus – it does not detect it in a timely manner and does not It does not occupy causes, it spreads. In addition, the immunity of the car must be strengthened, so it is advisable to use protective equipment before the occurrence of rust. If you see superficial rust, do not carry it farther – indulge yourself or ask the craftsman. It is best to do it at the end of the summer, before the start of the rainy season because rust is like moisture. The ruined metal indicates that a critical point has been reached when it is no longer possible to determine until rust is already prevalent. In this case, go to your captains

Careful examination of the tires, that they are suitable for driving – not cracked, deformed or worn

Crop wheels and tires well maintained . Check not only the wear and the depth of the tread (tire wear marks that indicate the wear tolerance), but also the shape of the tire, and if there is there is a gap. They come from both age and inadequate storage, as well as service (cuts). Storing the tires incorrectly (inappropriate temperature, position, etc.), they can start a craze even after one year. It must also be taken into account that the age of the tire is not counted from the moment it was purchased or driven, but from the year of manufacture.

Each tire has its own atmospheric pressure. or the manual of the car! Every car is a tire pressure set by the manufacturer – it's only then that it's the most efficient. If the tire is too soft, it can then float when it enters a pit, while braking with such a tire can predict braking and steering.

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