For tax debts, 62 beneficiaries of OIK are warned


The Ministry of Economy (ME) has sent alerts to the Ministry for 62 companies that have entered into an agreement with the Energy Public Trader for the purchase of electricity purchased in the mandatory market framework because of tax debts.

A total of 341 traders were inspected by EM. Accident payers must pay a tax debt by September of this year, within three months of the date of receipt of the alert. If this is not done, the trader will lose the right to negotiate the production of electricity as part of the compulsory purchase.

It has already been reported that in April of this year the government approved a regulatory change by increasing the OIC monitoring licenses. The amendments stipulate that the tax arrears are checked twice rather than once a year and that the payment of the debt to the merchant must be made within three to nine months.

As announced, the OIK was updated after the announcement of a separate cogeneration plant. non-compliance with the regulations of the Council of Ministers. Subsequently, EM realized not only the development of the regulatory framework, but also a series of audits to badyze and evaluate the legitimacy of the actions and decisions of all the institutions and operators concerned.

MOE conducts renewable energy inspections in cogeneration plants that have not yet concluded an OIC agreement. To date, the authorization for the sale of electricity under the OIC has canceled 21 cogeneration plants.

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