For the moment, the SRS will not impose any penalty on cash registers


A fundamental chaos continues around the introduction of the new cash register system. More than half of the companies operate with unauthorized equipment in violation of the law.

Recently, by raiding approximately 800 points of sale, the State Revenue Service (SRS) found various violations in almost all of them. Meanwhile, organizations organizations criticize the procedure for certification of advanced devices, which prevents timely access to the appropriate cash registers.

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The installation of new cash registers was to be completed a year ago – in July 2017, but most devices and systems are still not certified

Replacement of old cash registers by a new SRS was based on the will to fight against the underground economy. they were used to conceal the real income. However, currently, 67,000 BSS registered cash registers meet less than 25,000 new requirements, with the replacement of 7,000 units being postponed for next year, while the rest of the devices are currently breaking the law.

Henrik Danusevich

Head of the Latvian Merchants' Association

If we consider the current situation, 22 cash registers are registered, or about 20 parts. On the other hand, the president of the LCCI, Janis Endziņš, said: "It is a reform that does not disappear as it would be. In a normal situation, it should have been possible to buy a regular cash register, a hybrid device or a system on the market, but today the offer is very small. Entrepreneurs who need to open a new store have problems. "

Certification of a cash register system that can last up to two months, but the number of such systems can be measured in hundreds, because it is compatible with booksellers." most traders are currently breaking the law and continue to use the old device or the new but not certified, the SRS draws attention on the latter.The companies are warned of the installation of new systems

Janis Endziņš

The head of the CRTL

It is really a nihilistic situation that, on the one hand, the businessman does not work in accordance with the law, but he hopes that he will not be condemned in a credible way.In this respect, it is good that these violations do not penalize the businessmen of the SRS.

Certificates for cash registers are provided by independent auditors In the spring, the SRS announced that ue the four models of the largest cash dispenser "CHD" were defective and requested the cancellation of the certificate "Enrest & Young". As a result, owners of 18,000 cash registers still do not know if they can legally be used or if others will need to buy them. This is precisely the struggle of SID with this – the biggest player in the market – which is mentioned as the reason the reform stalled. SRS recognizes that implementation of change will be difficult, but responsibility should be badumed by those who are not particularly willing to use the new equipment

Sandra Karklinna-Admine

Director of Tax Administration State Revenue Service

We do everything we can We can not do it either. But we can not afford to buy and install handsets, there must be a second party to do it. But if they do not, then how can we help them. If they do not understand the good. When the transition period is over, the BSS will be bad because we will apply penalties.

It should be added that the declaration of the government of Mara Kuchinska promised that next year Latvia would turn to the online regulations. The SRS, however, stressed that the change would not be implemented until the end of the first phase of the reform, with news of the new cash registers

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