The Latvian Paralympic Committee is requesting donations to Paralympic rider Rihards Sniks for the Paralympic World Championship to be held in the United States from September 11 to September 26.
At least 6204 euros have been donated to date
. ] The committee does not have additional funds to cover the costs of this championship. To guarantee the participation of the athlete and his team in the race, € 20,000 will be required to cover the cost of transport and maintenance of the horse.
The social network committee Facebook announces that 6204 euros have already been donated, but the first payment is needed Another 4488 euros
To allow Snikis to qualify for the Tokyo Paralympic Games in the summer In 2020, he will participate in the Paralympic World Championships in the United States which, if successful, provides an automatic sign for the Paralympic Games. a long-time Paralympic who debuted at the London Summer Paralympics, winning 4th place in the world and the Rio Paralympic Summer Games, becoming the 5th best Paralympic Master in his handicap category. Snikus is the only Latvian athlete (Olympic / Paralympic) who has ever competed in such a prestigious competition, making Latvia the name of the world. In 2017, he participated in the European Championship in Sweden, where he won the 2nd place
Donations can be made to the account of the Latvian Paralympic Committee "LV61PARX0004929600005", indicating that the donation is for Rihard Snikus.
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