Including production sold on the domestic market, producer prices rose 4.8% over the same period and 3.7% for exported products. Exports to euro area countries grew by 4.1% over the period, compared with 3.4% for non-euro area countries.
Production of wood and wood products and cork, with the exception of furniture, for electricity, gas supply, heating and air conditioning, as well as production food. At the same time, the largest downward impact was on chemical and chemical manufacturing and electrical equipment production.
In June 2018, compared to the month of May, producer prices of Latvian industry increased by 1%. Prices for products sold domestically increased by 1.4% while those for exported products increased by 0.6%. For exports to euro area countries, the price level rose by 0.5% and exports to countries not belonging to the euro zone by 0.6%.
Monthly price changes were mainly influenced by price increases. also in the manufacture of wood and wood and cork products, except furniture and metal products manufacturing, except machinery and equipment.
This year, information on producer prices in industry is provided by more than 600 companies, which annually report to the Central Bureau of Statistics about 2,600 prices, of which about 1,400 are in the domestic market and about 1.2 thousand for products sold in export markets and for industrial services.
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