How dangerous is human health for loneliness? – Science – iTech


As written in The Conversation, compared to the 1980s, the number of unattached individuals in the United States increased by a third. In turn, when people were asked how many people they could count on, the number of people recorded in 1985 dropped by two in 2004.

21% of people complained of loneliness in the 1980s, but nowadays 31 percent Similar growth has been observed in other parts of the world

Adults are not alone in feeling alone sometimes. More than one-tenth of kindergarten students and freshmen also reported such a state of affairs and emotions.

Loneliness is an interesting situation because it does not depend on the number of people that the individual meets everyday. There may be crowds around you, but you may feel lonely.

Loneliness refers to the gap between the number and quality of desired and actual relationships. You can only have two friends, but if you meet each other well and feel that your needs are met, then you are not alone. At the same time, you can be in a crowd of paralysis and feel lonely.

Loneliness does not just mean your well-being, because this situation also affects your behavior. A lonely person can not control himself so well. For example, in loneliness, you will probably start eating unhealthy, stop playing, because there is a lack of motivation to do so. As a result, one may suffer from mental health, and there may be aggressive attitudes towards others.

People often think that the only way to deal with loneliness is simply to gather as many people as possible. However, this is not true, the feeling of loneliness does not always depend on the number of people around you, but the correspondence of these people with your wants and needs.

Studies have shown that loneliness is contagious. with those who are alone, they often start to feel lonely. Solitude is as contagious as joy and happiness.

There is also a so-called loneliness gene that can be pbaded on to offspring. However, this gene does not immediately mean that you will soon become lonely sooner or later. If you have this gene, then you may feel more painful than you do not have such a relationship with others as you wish.

How to escape from loneliness?

Coping with Loneliness and Improving Your Spirituality There are many things to do when it comes to health. Researchers have tried to test a number of ways to cope with this condition, such as improving socialization, learning to compliment others and gaining new friends. However, it turns out that the most important thing is to change your views and perspectives from where you look at the world and people.

It must be understood that people can not often approach you, not because of your faults. To get rid of loneliness, you must also free yourself from the cynicism and mistrust of others, so the next time you meet a young person, try to get rid of your illusory lobes, even if you know what will be the result of the relationship.

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