In Russia, thousands of people are protesting against the increase in the age of retirement / Article / LSM.LV


Thousands of people took part in protests in various Russian cities on Saturday, expressing dissatisfaction with the government's plan to raise the retirement age, the BBC reported.

In Russia, it is planned to raise the retirement age for men from 60 to 65 years, but women could retire not 55 but 63 years. Unions warn that the average life expectancy for many will not be enough to earn a retirement pension

"We want to live off our pensions, do not die at work," said one of the posters of demonstrators in Moscow. The estimated life expectancy for men in Russia is 66 years, while for women – 77 years.

The demonstration is organized by the Russian Communist Party, but nationalists and trade unions also participate in the events. In Moscow, demonstrations against the government's plans have gathered about 12,000 people. Officially authorized protest actions also take place in dozens of cities in eastern Russia and Siberia.

The Russian government is planning a change in the expected retirement age with a shrinking labor market.

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