International Festival of Ancient Music in Riga and Rundāly / Article / LSM.LV


On the evening of July 12 at the Little Guild, the opening concert of the 24th International Festival of Early Music will feature a concert by the soloist Elīna Šimkus and the performance of Fantasia Ficta, a music ensemble at the 39, old Switzerland. During the three days of concerts in Riga and Rundāle Castle, Italian, German and English baroque music will be performed as well as pieces by Spanish and Flemish masters.

The opening concert of the Mazā Ģilde Early Music Festival, Soloist Elīna Šimkus and Fantasia Ficta Ensemble of Switzerland, hammers Italian and Baroque music with a joyous shout. try, Elina Šimkus discovered that the deep interest in early music changed her life, giving her new colors and emotions, and uncovering previously unconscious voices

"It's a special program for me, c & rsquo; Is the oldest music I've ever seen. I played in Latvia, "said Šimkus." This little anxiety is related to how the Latvian listener will accept the new colors and intonations of my voice and my interpretation, because we are currently talking about the music from the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, and these musics are four and five centuries old, "

Members of the ancient music ensemble Fantasia Ficta share their common studies at the Early Music Center of the 39th century. Geneva School of Music. Together, they play for three years.

"It's natural music, like talking about how to sing, I like history and popular music, and life in general, the musician" Fazenda Ficta "Feodora Diakofa did not hide it.

Boris Konstanzo, a colleague of his, said: "Thanks to the name of our ensemble, we can improvise a lot. Before that, I played my hand until I realized that I needed something softer and that this music was very intimate and sweet. This has completely changed me. Now I use less alcohol, I have met my wife and other friendly people all over the place. "

" The early music of recent years has been a new discovery particularly close in the artistic field, "revealed Elīna Šimkus." I am currently studying at the Academy of Music, so it's interesting. All of this, of course, involves extensive research on previous ages, and there is a lot of new information and beautiful music. "

The Festival of Early Music will last three days this year – from Thursday, July 12 to Saturday, July 14 Riga and Rundāle

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