Knicks head coach Fizdeil: Let's get back to the first game is unrealistic – Sports


"Of course, we talked a lot about his family and Liepaja, but we also talked about the process of rehabilitation, what I see about" Knicks ", the style of the game. We talked about how to take Kristap.There will be a new team in which Kristaps will be a veteran, we will talk about how I see them naturally become the leader of the team, I told him how we see him go to the next level and how play it together, "said Fizdeil Tonight I'm going to the beach, where Kristaps flew for the first time during the rehab (the conversation took place on Thursday – [19459002AS] .) The meetings were great , I've had a good impression. "

I think one of the hard things will prevent Kristaps from rushing to the spot, he will definitely want to get back as soon as possible. We all need to do everything right to avoid any risk.

The coach revealed that a little of both had touched the past in the conversation, but this was not the main subject of the conversation: "Yes, I too have touched a bit Kristaps is ready to go on, everything that has happened up here is a thing of the past, the team has undergone many changes, we have a lot of new characters, and mentally, especially after an injury, he is ready to pursue the new goals that await us. I think Kristaps is excited by the direction we are taking with the team. "

Fizdeil acknowledged that Knicks' on-site presence was not a more specific guest.Clear on the possible moment to return to the place:" No, no, nothing is clear. We said that more important is to return to this level of meaning when it feels good, comfortable and powerful. When he feels like this, it will also be the right time to return to the square. I think that one of the hard things will prevent Kristaps from rushing to the spot, he will definitely want to get back as soon as possible. "The coach acknowledged that it would be completely unrealistic to see Porjezzi in the team already in the first season of the season.

Fizdeil is aware of what will be Knicks' status in the first season driving the team, but learned to name There are also some positive things that can be done while Portage is not back in the team. "I think everything the world expects to have several hits this season because we have a new team and Kristaps is injured, maybe we can not always get the ball through the net, but we can certainly develop a good I want to play a lot of transition basketball, play fast, but the only way to do that is to have a good defense first.On another side, in the attack, as long as there is something I can get without playing Kristaps, it's a opportunity for the other guys to get ready when Kristaps comes back. Let Kristaps back to the team who already knows how to move without a ball, how to expand the area that is good and what is bad – all that the new team has to learn. "

" I want to take Knicks to the championship "It's my first goal, the biggest and the biggest: win the title in New York, every morning you'll be more than happy with this idea," said Fizdeyl about his long-term goal. "We will continue to work on this goal every day, that is to say in Latvia, building relationships with the players, so that they are more than just coach-player relationships."

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