Lawyer: Three More Women Were Paid to Keep Silence on Tramp Relations – Abroad – News


Avenati reported that the women had evidence of a relationship with Tramp, but he could not detect them because he did not have the client's permission. According to him, the women contacted him several months ago and they were paid before the election.

He called Tramp and his long-time former lawyer, Michael Koen, to disclose information about women and their relationship with the Tramp

information for the American people, "Avenati announced." Enough to play. "

Michael Avenati received national recognition as a lawyer for Storm Daniels." Pornoaktrise Stephanie Clifford, known by the pseudonym Storm Daniels, sued US President Donald Tramp, who she said had was father in 2006.

Koen made a payment to Clifford shortly before the 2016 election. Clifford claims that this payment was made to keep his father silent with Tramp.

Clifford is trying to cancel the confidentiality agreement that she signed prior to the election and pledged to return the $ 130,000 to which she had been transferred. She claims that the confidentiality agreement does not Is not valid because that it was only signed by him and Koen, but Tramps did not sign this document.

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