Mara Upmane-Holstein and Goran Gora explain how they got married for 10 years – Celebs – Face


A pair of "Evening News" revealed that at the beginning of the relationship there were times when they had clashed, but only strengthened the two marriages.

"We know how much one was without the other, then we were young and idiots were waiting for everyone's ideals, until we finally realized we were not going to do it. we were not perfect … We laughed saying to ourselves: if we were the third time Married Upmane-Holstein

Musician believes that there are now fewer young couples who can boast of ten years of marriage and d & rsquo;

"The only difference is that it does not matter if you do not know how to do it, but it does not matter if you do not know how to do it. There is anger in a moment, but after a while, they are in the mood … In our relationship, it is important that we talk about things and that one or the other either agree or leave by hand when it is hard. There are also situations in which you just have to wait, because life itself puts everything on the shelf.

Upmane-Holstein can not unequivocally answer the secret of his relationship. "I do not want to say that we know each other better than others with our husband, maybe we are used to it and know that the artists do not go beyond the plan, we have to accept that nothing will happen In the relationship I remember that at the time I was not married, I wrote on the pages about the pros and cons of John to understand if we should be together. A few years ago I found the flyer, I started laughing. These things always have, but I do not forget them for a long time and it does not bother me at all. "

This year, Mara and John with their children at the seaside renewed their wedding vows. "After Mara and John had renewed their oath of marriage, they invited their loved ones to the garden party.

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