Maya tramps sued the EU on Brexit regulation – the world


British Prime Minister Teresa Mia acknowledged Sunday that US President Donald Tramps had advised him to pursue the European Union (EU) over Brekit rules instead of negotiating them. recalled Trampa's statement at a press conference Friday that he had given a recommendation to Miega for Brekita's conversations that she seemed "too crude". "

Asked what the recommendation was, Meya, apparently hoarded, replied: "At the same time, the British prime minister said that at the two joint press conferences on Friday, Tramps also said," Do not go away, do not leave the negotiations, otherwise you will be deadlocked. "[19659005] It is unclear what Tramps was thinking with these statements, but earlier he made several who criticized the position of the British Prime Minister and the government in negotiations with the EU, saying it would undermine the prospect of a future trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States and the United States, and also expressed its support for Boris Johnson, the British foreign minister who left for Britain this week, declaring "having the right attitude to become prime minister."

Later, Tramps denied having criticized Mei and tried to According to a press conference announcing that she is an "incredible woman" who "does a fantastic job" as prime minister, only "Sun" has not just published the words of appreciation for her, but the newspaper publishes an audio recording confirming that Tramps is not telling the truth. ] [ad_2]
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