New actors and directors invited to the LKA Diploma Fair / Work Day


Directors David Jovanzana (Finland), Mikhail Gruzdov, Karlis Krumins, Elmar Sekov and Ģirts Šolis staged theatrical performances by theater artists. Master theses on the performing arts – Reinis Boters, Pamela Butane, Ieva Jindey, Rudolf Gedin, Diana Kaijakas and Lien Shmststes – were produced in collaboration with the National Library of Latvia, the Latvian National Theater, the Theater of Gertrudes Street, Dirty Deal Teatro, Riga Wooden Building and Circus Building Center Riga Wood. .

Drama students specializing in puppet theater will be able to get acquainted with five diploma shows. Skating will begin with the production of Kārlis Krūmiņš Naughty hand May 31st and June 1st at the LKA Theater House Horse Courier. The young actors virtually play the paradoxical situations of the comedian Robert Ashkin's black comedy, showing both his dramatic acting talent and his mastery of puppetry. Agris Krapivnickis, a revived doll alter ego violates the limits of the behavior adopted in society, including the other characters in the series in a case, where the differences between good and evil are rather unclear.

Director Elmārs Seņkovs has staged a performance with emerging actors The hunt by Aleksandra Vampilova Duck hunting reasons. The heroes of the series are young people today who are trying to understand the values ​​of their lives. Today 's documentary stories collected by young actors are organically linked to situations inspired by the Vampilov game, none of which is winning. Criticism has already appreciated this production, noting that "the performance of the comedian diploma work prepared for the puppet theater by Elmar Sehnkov largely surpbades much of the Latvian theater production this season" (Atis Rozentāls, Culture Day). The show can be seen on June 2nd and 3rd at the LKA Theater House Horse Courier.

June 4th and 5th at the LKA Theater House Horse Courier It will be possible to watch the final stage of the production of Finnish directors David Jovanzan. The future that falls, which was shown in April at the prestigious International School School Festival SETKÁNÍ / MEETING Brno, Czech Republic. Each of the three parts of the show – Perfect for lighting, Future archaeologists and Strangely death – Created in different aesthetics of students, objects and visual theater created by the students. The piece evokes the text without touching the text, almost in three dimensions, and studies the relationship between living and non-living objects.

Another show of theatrical aesthetics – Farm of animals The staging of Mikhail Gruzdov – the last time will take place on June 6 and 7 at the Theater House of the Latvian Academy of Music Horse Courier. It is a provocative show inspired by George Orwell's original motifs, in which images of the familiar novel move, transforming them into life, politics, and today's historical context in the context of the centennial of Latvia.

And the 13th and 16th of June Dirty Deal Teatro first of the latest theses – production of Girta Sull's puppet theater and objects The taste of freedom. It's a series of ironic stories about people trying to color their daily lives with different substances and sensations. The creative team is inspired by the experience of the self and the human beings, whether they are real situations but at the same time absurd, paradoxical and comical. The creators of the series ask: "Maybe the use of intoxicants is solely based on a natural desire – a desire for inner freedom?"

The LKA thesis show also includes five performances of graduates of the Master in Theater Arts. Reinis Boters has staged the performance of a bilingual documentary theater LV vs. UKwhich explores relations between Latvian and Russian speakers. The actors Igor Nazarenko and Janis Kronis learn each other's native language in the process of preparing the show and study the situations of their lives, where the language barrier and the beliefs and perceptions of Latvians and Russians taken from previous generations have played an important role. The show will take place on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of June in the circus of Riga.

Diāna Kaijaka is the director of the Latvian story of Australian playwright Rita Kalnejs of 2017 This beautiful futureto be seen in the new hall of the Latvian National Theater on the 5th, 7th and 14th of June. It is the story of the love of two young people on the opposite front (Madara Bore and Charles Reijer) during World War II. The characters of two older generations (Indra Burkovska and Voldemars Šoriņš) dream of the past and seek their way.

Ieva Gindhy has created an interactive theater show Movie nightto watch June 6 and 7 at the Wood Building Renovation Center Riga Wood. For spectators, this will be an opportunity to step back in time until 1983 and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of that time during a video show organized by young people in an apartment in Grizinkalns. The performers include actors of improvisational theater Karīna Berzina, Patrīcija Kolāte, Oto Madernieks and Kristers Ozols.

On June 7th, a show by Rudolf Gediš will be presented at Gertrudes Street Theater Divine factinspired by the story of Franca Kafka Intersection. The director, as well as the playwright Laila Burani and the actors Ivar Broniča, Eva Kronberg, Elīna Lutci and Anna Novikovs, have studied their experiences and reflections on the origin, the parentage and the inheritance. Each dancer has developed his own narrative and choreographic material that, while maintaining its independence, creates context for each other and points of contact in performance.

Liena Šmukste with a team of actors (Maija Arvena, Jindzis Ieva, Emīls Krūmiņš, Jana Lisov and Andis Strods) and composer Jkabs Niemi have created the sense of theater. BOOK BOOKto be held on June 14 at the National Library of Latvia. The documentary-based staging will allow viewers to gain a special experience and to know the fate of the banned books. During the performance, visitors are attracted by the activation of the senses of perception of the world such as touch and hearing.

Tickets for Diploma Work shows can be purchased online:,,

More information about the shows is available on and

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