Next year, an interesting Latvian Rally Championship season is expected


Taking into account the growing number of participants in the rally cycle, as well as the overall reputation of the rally train in Latvia, it is expected that in 2019, rally competitions will take place at the championship level, say the organizers of the event. championship. It is expected that five stages of the race will take place, the first of them – May 4 and 5, on the road to Biķernieku, where, with the cars on the starting line, there will also be a cross -over in the ranking of the zone Northern Europe (NZE).

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Biķernieku Motorsport Festival, photo: Edgars Beļakovs / F1LV

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Biķernieku Motorsport Festival, photo: Edgars Beļakovs / F1LV

The second leg of the championship will take place on June 15 at the Baron's track near Jekabpils. The third race – "Biķernieku Motorsport Festival", for the second consecutive year, will run over two days – July 6 and 7 – and will have a broader scope, in order to make the event more interesting for an audience wider. The fourth phase of the season is scheduled for August 17 (the venue will be clarified), the decisive fights will take place as the tradition of Musa Raceland in Bauska. It is important to add that for the 2019 season, parallel to the Latvian Championship, on the Rally Krosa Cup account, it is planned to introduce three new clbades: the BMW RX 3000 clbad, which can start with a budget significantly lower than the two Xtreme and CK650 crossover clbades.

Jānis Bergs, organizer of the Rally-Krosa Latvia Championship: "During the next season, we plan to reduce the number of stages but to organize events on a larger scale, which makes them more interesting for the general public." With the development of local sports teams not only the athlete and technical staff arrive, but also the family and supporters are part of the supporters.Therefore, we are actively working for the day of the event to be a success for all. promise that there will be many pleasant surprises in the new season. "

Ivo Trauberg, organizer of the Latvian Rallycross Championship: "After a 15-year break, we managed to take part in the Latvian Championship, where about 100 athletes took part in four different test events." At the evaluation of last season, there was was not a lot of athletes, but the quality of the race has increased significantly, as has the performance of the athletes themselves.It was also the goal of the first year of the championship. season 2019, our framework does not focus on quantity, for example by increasing the number of foreign athletes, but by continuing to cultivate the rally trails at home – working with our own athletes and their teams. It should be noted, however, that we are pleased to welcome foreign participants who have expressed interest in participating in the championship in the ranks of the participants. "

In 2018, the Latvian Championship wins the OPEN RX clbad winners immersed in Martins Svilis, clbad Touring 2000 – Janis Ikers, clbad Super 1600 – Arnis Odiņš, clbad LADA RX – Walter Liepins, junior clbad – Oskars Safanovs, in turn , the team won the "Rencontre" autoclub ".

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Biķernieku Motorsport Festival, photo: Edgars Beļakovs / F1LV

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Biķernieku Motorsport Festival, photo: Edgars Beļakovs / F1LV


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