Pastors Day preachers warn of the imminent end of the world,


Kaleidoscope | 2018. July 23, at noon 09:46

Five days later, the so-called "bloody moon" will be seen in the sky. The preachers of the last days have announced that this could be the moment and the sign that the end of the world has come to the forehead.

  Sava News until the 31/07/2018

The end of the world, according to them, is described in the Bible, and that already happens

The preachers of the Pastor try to prove once again that the end of the world is described in the Bible, and that will happen Friday, when the world will be broken by new catastrophes that will destroy the land on which we live.

who has regularly expressed his thoughts on the impending end of the world since 1980, will finally be the time when thousands of years ago the old prophecies to read in the Bible will become reality.

In the far reaches of the world, the moon eclipse about an hour and 43 minutes

It was said earlier that regular forecasts of fortunes and the end of the world were also made by the numerologist and Theorist David Mead. For example, in October 2017, he predicted that Earth would be waiting for many catastrophes and the asteroid of planet Earth, Wormwood, over the next seven years


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